Sunday, November 23, 2014

                      Obesity 'costing same as smoking'

  Smoking or Armed conflict and greater than both alcoholism and climate change can lead to obesity research has suggested. The McKinsey Global Institute said it cost £1.3tn or 2.8% of annual economic activity - it cost the UK £47bn.
The financial costs of obesity are growing health care and more widely in the economy. But obesity results in working days and output lost.
  What is obesity? Overweight man is like eating fast food. The most common way to assess if a person is obese is to check their body mass index (BMI), which divides your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared. If your BMI is above 25 you are overweight. A BMI of 30-40 is considered obese, while above 40 is very obese. A BMI of less than 18.5 is underweight. 
  Crisis proportions. The report concluded that "a strategy of sufficient scale is needed as obesity is now reaching crisis proportions". Obesity was driving the increase in heart and lung disease, diabetes and lifestyle-related cancers. Dr Tedstone said obesity required action across national and local government, industry and society as a whole, and there was "no single silver bullet solution". The report was produced by McKinsey Global Institute, the business and economics research arm of consultancy firm McKinsey & Company.
 How can we lose our weight? Firstly, overweight people should control their selves eat less fast food. Fast food can lead to cancer, overweight, malnutrition, decreased immunity and affect intellectual development. Secondly, people should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Fast food can lead to cancer, overweight, malnutrition, decreased immunity and affect intellectual development. Secondly, people should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Because they can increased vitamin C, and increased gastrointestinal motility. For example, melon diuretic, cucumber and gourd catharsis, turnip ventilation, seaweed nourishing the heart and kidney. Apples a day may keep you away from doctors, tomatoes have slimming, reduce fatigue, and increase appetite functions. Guava can prevent high blood pressure, obesity, can also promote digestion and detoxification, kiwi in VC, Mg and trace element content, and also protect the heart. Grapefruit has a unique effect of weight loss. Lastly, eating is not to lose weight, so people need to take more exercise to help them lose their weight. In conclusion, overweight will lead to people more and more dangerous, maybe will be death or pay lot of money in the hospital. But people should control their selves eat less fast food ,and they can through eat more fresh fruits and vegetables to help them more healthy. More exercise can help them fast lose their weight.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

                 Sleep matters

  How many hours sleep should your child be getting and why is it so important?

Why does sleep matter?
  Experts acknowledge that sleep plays a significant role in brain development, and it is important for children to get enough sleep as their bodies grow and mature. Sleep is crucial for teenagers - it is while they are snoozing at night that they release a hormone that is essential for the growth spurt during puberty. It plays in brain development, and sleep also plays an important role in our brain’s day-to-day ability to function. Lack of sleep makes it much harder for us to concentrate, and we become forgetful, irritable and prone to being clumsy and making mistakes. Furthermore, scientific evidence shows that the right amount of night-time sleep is just as important for children’s development as healthy eating and regular exercise.

How much sleep does my primary school child need?

   Sleep requirements differ from individual to individual, but in general a younger child needs more sleep than an older one. Between the ages of five and 11, your child will need 10-12 hours of sleep a night.
Bedtime is a chance to spend some quality time together, and if it’s a time both you and your child enjoy, your son or daughter will settle down in bed and drop off to sleep more easily.
   At stressful times, such as when your child starts in Reception, and at the start of each new school year, your child will probably get more tired than usual and will need more sleep. Limit your child’s use of the internet, games consoles and TV in the hour before they go to bed – and ideally don’t allow your son or daughter to have a computer, console or a TV set in their bedroom.

How much sleep does my secondary school child need?

   Between the ages of 11 and 18, your child will need 8.5-10 hours of sleep a night. It can be difficult to encourage older children to keep to a regular bedtime, but it’s important to try. Experts have linked a lack of sleep to problems with behavior, concentration and achievement at school. A lack of sleep can contribute to weight gain too, because it inhibits the production of appetite-controlling hormones. Older children often don't realize they're cutting back on their sleep.

 In conclusion, get enough sleep for children bodies grow and mature are very important. Sleep is crucial for teenagers--lake of sleep will lead to children much harder to concentrate. They will be become forgetful, annoyed and prostrate to being unwieldy and making mistakes. Between the ages of five and 11 children will need 10-12 hours of sleep a night. Between the ages of 11 and 18, children will need 8.5-10 hours of sleep a night. At stressful times, children will probably get more tired than usual and will need more sleep. A lack of sleep can contribute to weight gain too, older children they are cutting back on their sleep. By the way, lake of sleep can lead to children poor academic performance, concentration decreases, and the impact of a variety of negative emotions. So children get enough sleep is very important for them.

Sunday, November 9, 2014


      Cancer Tops List of Surprising Health Problems Tied to Obesity

  Do you know overweight have 8 surpersing effects of obesity? There will lead to cancer, migraines,infertility, premature birth, sleep disorders, bullying.

  The National Cancer Institute estimates that if every adult reduced their BMI by 1 percent – a loss of roughly 2.2 pounds – about 100,000 new cases of cancer could be avoided. A study published in the journal Neurology revealed what a real headache carrying extra weight can be. Obese women over the age of 50 suffered from chronic headaches the most. Overweight women have a harder time getting pregnant. "Obesity is an inflammatory state and that alone might decrease fertility," by Dr. Marc Bessler. A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that obesity increases a woman's chance of having a pre-term baby, especially when her body mass index is 35 or higher. Whatever the reason, it can have devastating effects. Premature birth is the leading cause of infant death and long-term disabilities. Bessler said that many of his heavier patients experienced difficulty getting pregnant. Dr. Donald Hensrud, said one of the most immediate health dangers for many obese people is sleep apnea, a condition in which a person gasps or stops breathing momentarily while asleep. That means the person does not get good quality sleep, has less oxygen in the blood stream, and the heart has to work harder." A Yale study found that weight is the number one reason people are bullied at any age and those who are bullied have lower self-esteem, higher levels of depression and increased risk of suicide.
The main source of ridicule, according to the Yale researchers: Loved ones.
Wider waistbands seem to widen the pay gap.
 In a University of Florida study, women who weighed 25 pounds less than the group average, earned $15,572 a year more than women of normal weight and women who tipped the scales at 25 pounds above the average weight earned an average of $13,847 less than an average-weight female. They found no such disparity among men.

   If you want to lose weight, please start with your diet and lifestyle! We must first understand the reasons for obesity. Why do people get fat? If you want to lose weight, must not seek quickly. Haste makes waste. After rapid weight loss must be brought rebound quickly! Want to lose weight, never to eat pills.
   Firstly, in strict compliance with and develop "early eat, lunch, dinner to eat less" diet, which "dinner to eat less" is the key to weight loss! There are three points must be noted: First, they must eat breakfast. People do not eat breakfast, easy to get fat. Second, be sure to eat at noon. Noon, do not eat at night must be hungry. Third, we must do as much as possible at night to try to eat! And dinner does not eat meat, sweets, and fried foods, drink some light soup. After nine oclock at night to keep in mind the absolute prohibition of eating.
   Secondly, after more than half an hour of brisk walking sticks supper. Many obese people, mainly in parts of the buttocks and abdomen, so that people have a common characteristic or long-term work at the computer, or do not love the activities. Therefore, in order to lose weight, you must get rid of the less active lifestyle, to increase exercise, consumption of excess calories.
Next, do not eat sweets. Protein does not make people fat, carbohydrates will make you fat. Most of the fat, have a sweet tooth. To lose weight, try not to eat sweets myself.
   Lastly, eat slowly. Meal times should chew more slowly, so that not only beneficial saliva and gastric juice to digest food, but also helps to reduce consumption. Eat want to eighty percent full is better.
   In conclusion, overweight can lead to many problems, harm our health. A better tomorrow for our lives, but also fried food is very important to a healthy body. Based on the above three suggestions that can help those who want to restore the normal weight obese, have a good quality of life.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


            Small steps everyone can take to arrive at greater joy 

   Practicing gratitude as little as once a week for up to 12 weeks increases happiness by as much as 25%, according to many studies, and participants remain happier for up to six months after experiments end, by Emily Sohn.
  Learn gratitude, have a big dream, give, savor, celebrate others. Through learn how to gratitude, "It reconnects you to that person and makes you think about how your successes are not just due to you. You're standing on the shoulders of giants." Have a big dream, "Looking at the future and planning something exciting fills people with hope, and hope engenders joy," by Les Parrott adds. Give, doing good gives people a sense of purpose and enhances the feeling that their lives have meaning, and that makes them feel good, and can above and beyond what you normally do — boosts well-being. Savor, learn how to enjoy you life can make you feel life are very good. Celebrate others, science suggests: Regularly celebrate the successes of others that this type of behavior makes relationships closer."
    How to learn these five steps can make people happiness? Firstly, life give people the frustration at the same times gave people strong, people will have another experience. For the loves life people, it is never stingy. In the thanksgiving's environment, people can calm a lot of things; In the thanksgiving's environment, people can seriously make from the start with the smallest thing; In the thanksgiving's environment, people face up to mistakes, and help each other; In the thanksgiving's environment, people will not feel lonely. Thanksgiving is great wisdom in life can make us feel the beauty of nature, the good life, to maintain our positive, healthy, good attitude sunlight. Cherish gratitude, for others, for the environment will be less of a picky, more of a appreciation and gratitude. Thanksgiving hurt your people, because he honed your mind. Thanksgiving deceive your people, because he has enhanced your wisdom. Thanksgiving despise your people, because he awakening your self-esteem. Thanksgiving abandoned your people, because he taught you this independent. Thanksgiving fail, because it makes you a story of people. Thanksgiving is successful, because it makes your life full of wonderful, filled with beautiful. Thanksgiving applause and encouragement because of them can give you more energy and courage. Grateful hearts, people will be able to live in a grateful world, the world must be very beautiful, people's lives will be better.
    Secondly, have a big dream. Dream is a person of a lot of time in faith. It is when people do things power. It is a beautiful part of a human heart. People must have a dream this will have a hard target and direction. If you lose your dreams, people will have lost the meaning of life, but the dream does not mean fantasy, otherwise people will be confused. Dream is people in the dream of the bold imagination, and it will not necessarily achieve, but just a good expectation. Dreams are always nice. Dream will be come true make us beliefs. Dreams can through certain ways and means, through their own efforts and hard work to become a reality. Biggest dream is to give people a sense of direction and a goal. Dream makes a great, great man is the dream as a target to persistent pursuit.
    Next, give and savor. Give meaning to make others get. In life do not always ask for others. People give you something that means they like you or they want to help you, but always ask for people something that will lead to close to you people will far away with you. Someone said that helping others is equal to help them. Taste is the taste something of meaning. Wise said:. "And a heaven in a flower, a bodhi tree, a world in a grain of sand" and the real wise men tend to focus on the details of the whole world, from childhood stories to comprehend the true wisdom. Taste Life is a mature calmly, It realm is a real down to earth level, and to adjust and improve themselves, do their best. So the life must be tasted. The taste life is improving us practice.
    Lastly, celebrate others. To learn enjoy a successful outcome of others. When you celebrate the success of others, you can learning the success of others, to learn the strengths from the practice of others to find their own way to success. Not only themselves but also can enhance closer relationship to others and yourself, so that can keep more long-term friendship.
    All in all, learn gratitude, can help people live in a nice world, the world must be very beautiful, people's lives will be better.  Have a big dream is to give people a sense of direction and a goal. Dream can make us be a great man. Give and savor are the life must be tasted and learn how to give. Helping others is equal to help them. The taste life is improving us practice. Celebrate others can help us succeed faster, and closer relations between friends. So small steps everyone can take to arrive at greater joy. Follow this four steps can help you fast more happiness.